Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Statement RE: Nursing Home Acquisition Through a Public Benefit Corp.

As a County we are facing unprecedented budget shortfalls and fiscal challenges.

The proposal to acquire the John J. Foley Nursing Home through the creation of a public benefit corporation is wrong for Suffolk County Government and, most importantly, wrong for Suffolk County taxpayers and all who want and deserve smaller, fiscally responsible government.

Public benefit corporations and public authorities operate in the shadows outside of customary public oversight and control and operate like quasi-private corporations with boards of directors appointed by elected officials and are exempt from many state and local regulations.

One only has to look to another public benefit corporation and its operation – the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and its never-ending trail of fiscal mismanagement that has added to the tax burden borne by all New Yorkers – to underscore how ill conceived this plan is.

Suffolk County cannot afford to be in the health care business. The long-term financial well being of our county and most importantly the well being of the home’s patients demands we act now and turn the home into a private, non-taxpayer supported, self sustaining facility. The proposed sale of the facility is best for Suffolk County, the nursing home's residents and taxpayers.

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